Gum Disease
Gingivitis is best explained when one or more areas in the mouth becomes red, bleeds slightly and easily, especially with normal brushing and flossing. It is never "normal" for your gum tissue to bleed. There is usually little to no discomfort at this stage. This is reversible with improved home care and regular dental cleaning appointments.
Factors that can contribute to gingivitis include:
Genetic predisposition
Systemic diseases and conditions
Poor nutrition and obesity
Hormonal changes
Substance Abuse
HIV infections
Various medications
Clenching or grinding your teeth
Periodontitis is when toxins produced by bacteria in plaque, can irritate the gingival tissue around your teeth and below the gum line. Over time the bacteria affects the tissue and bone that support the teeth. These areas are dissolved and destroyed. Dental radiographs will be needed to evaluate the bone level supporting your teeth. The gums separate from the teeth causing pocketing that becomes infected. As the disease process continues the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Eventually the teeth can become loose and may have to be removed. Generally, 1-3mm pocketing is normal when a full periodontal chart is being performed in your mouth. When depths are over 3mm, there may be a problem deeper under the tissue.
There are different stages of periodontitis that Dr. Logeman, Dr. Prywitch and our experienced hygienists are able to explain as needed. Moving a dental cleaning recall to 3-4 months instead of 6 months may help in the management and removal of this disease process. A referral to a periodontist may also be an option for professional specialized treatment.
Prevention of this disease includes:
Knowing you're at risk
Brush and Floss your teeth
Mouth rinses
Seek professional advice